
  1. Complete the application process on Institution’s Online Application Portal URL
  2. Obtain a Payment Reference Number (PRN) by clicking on “Pay for Form” Button
  3. Make a payment at any of the banks used by Uganda Revenue Authority. Click here for instructions on how to pay using VISA/MASTERCARD (Click here for detailed procedure) or follow the steps below for Mobile Money Payments                                        
    MOBILE MONEY PAYMENT STEPS:                                                 
    1. Dial *272*6# on either MTN or Airtel
    2. Select option 3-Admissionn
    3. Select option 3-Pay Fees
    4. Enter reference number obtained from Application portal
    5. Details of Application form will be confirmed 
    6. Enter PIN to confirm payment

Tororo Girls' School

Sponsored Students & Payments via Electronic Funds Transfers (EFT)

EFT Payments should be transfered to Uganda Revenue Authority Collection Account in Bank of Uganda as follows:

Account Name: Uganda Revenue Authority Collections

Account Number.: 00000000000000

A schedule of students sponsored or paid for and the comfirmation of payment obtained from the transacting bank shall be sent to the Tororo Girls' School on the following emails:

The sponsored students are expected to enrol and register on the ACMIS System in order to be given receipts for the money paid. Further clarification on this mode of payment please email the office of the bursar on the emails above.